Placing the Public in Public Health: Public Health in Britain, 1948-2010
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Conference 2018
Vaccination Exhibition
Blog Posts
Vaccination and celebrity – The meningitis B vaccine debate in context
Vaccination Exhibition 3: Scientific Knowledge
Vaccination Exhibition 2: Communication
Vaccination Exhibition 1: Eradicating Disease
Public health posters: beyond parody?
Public health exhibitions and the public: now and then
Public figures and public health
Dealing with the ‘Don’t Knows’ in public opinion and public health surveys
Placing the Public in Public Health Reading Group – What we’re reading
Horses for Courses (of vaccination) – the role of animals in the early diphtheria immunisation programme
The myth of John Snow and the long shadow of nineteenth century public health
Becoming emotional about public health
Vaccine Expo082
Tweets by PlacingPublic