Placing the Public in Public Health: Public Health in Britain, 1948-2010
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Conference 2018
Vaccination Exhibition
Blog Posts
Vaccination and celebrity – The meningitis B vaccine debate in context
Vaccination Exhibition 3: Scientific Knowledge
Vaccination Exhibition 2: Communication
Vaccination Exhibition 1: Eradicating Disease
Public health posters: beyond parody?
Public health exhibitions and the public: now and then
Public figures and public health
Dealing with the ‘Don’t Knows’ in public opinion and public health surveys
Placing the Public in Public Health Reading Group – What we’re reading
Horses for Courses (of vaccination) – the role of animals in the early diphtheria immunisation programme
The myth of John Snow and the long shadow of nineteenth century public health
Becoming emotional about public health
- Contact Us
Conference 2018
- Vaccination Exhibition
Blog Posts
- Vaccination and celebrity – The meningitis B vaccine debate in context
- Vaccination Exhibition 3: Scientific Knowledge
- Vaccination Exhibition 2: Communication
- Vaccination Exhibition 1: Eradicating Disease
- Public health posters: beyond parody?
- Public health exhibitions and the public: now and then
- Public figures and public health
- Dealing with the ‘Don’t Knows’ in public opinion and public health surveys
- Placing the Public in Public Health Reading Group – What we’re reading
- Horses for Courses (of vaccination) – the role of animals in the early diphtheria immunisation programme
- The myth of John Snow and the long shadow of nineteenth century public health
- Becoming emotional about public health
Figure 4 – Targeting older cohorts, 1959
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